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Starlit Sky Coaching

What Being Alone Has Taught Me…

What Being Alone Has Taught Me…

This blog is an accumulation of over two years of experiences; changes in my life and shifts in my awareness. I am a different person than I was 2 years ago when I started to write it . . . I’ve always had in my opinion moderate, reasonable and centrist views. Live...

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Love Letter To My Mom . . .

Love Letter To My Mom . . .

Thank you all for being here. It’s impossible to capture all that my mother meant to me in a few minutes and I’m certain that all of us have wonderful stories to share about her. I’m looking forward to hearing them all. I wanted to share with you little snippets of...

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They must have done something to deserve that . . .

They must have done something to deserve that . . .

Fairness is an important value of mine and the basic belief that life is fair has been a touchstone for me; a comfort when something doesn’t go my way or something bad happens to someone, that life will eventually balance that out with something good. My husband and I...

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Declutter Your Relationships . . .

Declutter Your Relationships . . .

I used to be such an enabler.  I would feel responsible for how people felt and for their behaviour.  Even worse, I would try to change how they felt and how they behaved by changing myself; trying to make myself better, more understanding, more...

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She’s Too Old to Have Kids . . .

She’s Too Old to Have Kids . . .

I remember once being at a friend’s barbecue standing in line putting food on my plate when one of the women there commented ‘no wonder you’re so thin, you eat so little’.  I didn’t perceive her tone to be particularly nice. I looked at my plate and then looked at her...

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At What Point Do We Stop Believing In People?

At What Point Do We Stop Believing In People?

My husband and I were in Orlando, Florida recently and we had the opportunity to ride on the Walt Disney World Monorail between the Magic Kingdom and Epcot Center. The car that we were on was pretty crowded with one couple that had a double-wide stroller with a...

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7 Ways a Life Coach Can Help You

7 Ways a Life Coach Can Help You

Why do I need a life coach? A life coach may seem like a vague term and if I’m perfectly honest, I cringe whenever I hear it, but the truth is that everything is a part of your life: Your career, your family, your relationships, your finances, your health, your...

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How To Negotiate Salary

How To Negotiate Salary

How to negotiate salary is one of the biggest concerns a job hunter has. If you don't have a lot of experience with this (and most people don't), a career coach can help you with many aspects of a career, including the salary negotiation process. How to negotiate...

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Top 10 Leadership Skills

Top 10 Leadership Skills

So, you want to become a leader? Or maybe you already are one, but you want to be a better leader. There are 10 leadership skills or leadership qualities that employers and employees value above all else. You don’t necessarily need to master them all at once, but...

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Asking For Help

Asking For Help

It has always been very difficult for me to ask for help. Perhaps it’s the false pride of believing that I can do and figure out everything by myself, perhaps it’s not wanting to impose on others or bother them, perhaps it’s not actually believing that anyone can help...

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From Incomplete to Complete

From Incomplete to Complete

Have you ever walked away from something you wanted and it left you feeling incomplete? What would it be like to go back and accomplish that nagging “incomplete” and go from incomplete to complete? I have experienced that incomplete feeling and here is what I learned....

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Our Addiction to External Validation

Our Addiction to External Validation

What makes really good people with strong personal values work at a job or have a career that is so obviously misaligned to their values? What makes them stay in situations that negatively impacts their health, their stress levels, their relationships, and their...

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Rethinking Fear

Rethinking Fear

What would you do if you had 6 months left to live? Would you do anything differently? Would you have any regrets? There has been so much literature written about this and people I have asked in my own life usually say the following - they would quit their jobs, spend...

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How to Let Go Of Control

How to Let Go Of Control

What would it be like to let go of some control and take that leap of faith in our lives? What have we been missing because we've been holding on so tightly to control? How tiring and unenjoyable has it been? If you read my previous post called Perseverance...

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Perseverance Definition

Perseverance Definition

I've recently started taking horseback riding lessons again and it has made me think about the perseverance definition: the quality that allows someone to continue trying to do something even though it is difficult. But, what makes it difficult? What if it is simply...

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What Does Success Mean For You?

What Does Success Mean For You?

I find it interesting what society has decided is the definition of success. Merriam-Webster defines it as "the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame", but what does success mean for you? This definition of success is built from an ideal that is not...

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Drawn to Heroes

Drawn to Heroes

I used to ponder why we pretty much universally look up to and are drawn to heroes, whether they be historical figures, athletes, or fictional characters who have had the courage to stand up for what they believe in, or worked hard to achieve their lifelong dreams, or...

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